HISTORY THROUGH STREET ART: Lotterywest Boorloo Heritage Festival Perth Walking Tour

AUD $0.00
  • Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
  • Location: Perth, WA


Join us on an exclusive Boorloo Heritage Festival walking tour to discover Perth's captivating history through its vibrant street art. Admire colorful murals and sculptures down hiddden alleys and pass by iconic landmarks to uncover  Perth's past, present, and future through artistic expressions of indigenous heritage, colonial legacies and modern commentary. 

The tour concludes with stunning projections on the iconic facade of His Majesty's Theatre. Perfect for anyone interested in exploring the history of Perth through street art, murals and sculptures. Suitable for ages 13+.

Dates: April 24th and 26th

Time: 5:30pm

Price: Free as part of the Lotterywest Boorloo Heritage Festival

Group Size: 20 max

Start: The green “Big Cactus” sculpture in Forrest Place

Finish: His Majesty's Theatre

Duration: Approx. 1 hour

Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for information on cancellations and more.